Who Am I?
Hello, and welcome to my website! My name is Antawn, and I am a Exchange Met School student in Grade nine. Met school is a high school, in the Exchange District in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Met School helps students to pursue internships with companies in Winnipeg. Met School also focuses on project-based learning,and this is one of my projects.
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How did I come up with this?
The Exchange Met School focuses a lot on their education on project based learning, and this was one project I’ve been working on lately. This projects reflects one Upstanders, who are they are and what are they. If you are confused about what an Upstander is. Malala Yousafzai was fighting for women’s rights back at Afghanistan, which is a human rights injustice, since Men were treated better than women back at Afghanistan. There are many upstanders in history like Martin Luther King who also stood up for Human Rights injustice (the UN convention of rights was not made at the time, but black people weren’t people fairly).
Now that I’ve talked about Upstanders and what they are. I want to talk about why I chose this. I see on videos and hear from my friends everyday that people vape a lot. At first, I thought it was finally a way for people to quit smoking and a more safe way, but I was wrong in many ways. It was pretty harmful and definetely not safer than smoking and it was pretty interesting me about the vaping epidemic.
Once this project popped up, this would be the perfect chance for me to take a look deeper about the epidemic. During my research, I found a lot of compelling features in E-Cigarrettes that I did not know before such as the ‘flavoring’ in the vapes, and how it has similar symptoms to smoking. So now, I’ve been lately taking a course into how can I make a website, and I thought that I can make a website to promote and to just pour in all the information that I found,